Welcome to the home and blog of “Big World, Little Thoughts”, a space where I explore
systems, ideas, creative endeavors, my wardrobe, and share my general thoughts.
I’m so glad you’re here!
Hello, friends - so happy you are here to check out my writings and ramblings. As I elaborate on my “About” page, I recently lost my blog content (I am working to recover it, but the formatting won’t transfer nicely to the new Squarespace hosting, so I’m starting fresh). My blogs posts are at the above link or via the “To the Blog” button. I’m working to rebuild and repopulate the site. As I am able to, I may share some of my older content (either within the blog or within a separate “Archives” page, depending on how much interest or ease there is in creating or sharing these things). I will post sporadically, I am sure - but when I do, I usually try to post with some rhythm and in accordance with a sense of schedule - simple living, pop culture, wardrobe, choice of topic, and family adventures - but this is not a family/mom blog (I only share my experiences and refer to my family by aliases).
If you are so inclined, grab a beverage, read a few posts, and please feel free to comment - I do love the engagement and sharing interests with in-person and internet friends. And I don’t like ads, either, so if you feel like supporting my work (I pay for the domain, web hosting, and give freely of my time and thoughts, here), you are welcome to buy me a cup of coffee (fast food or fancy - your call) via the below “Support” button. I appreciate your support - whether monetary, engaging with my content, or in spirit! Thank you.
Otherwise, if you’re ready - dig in! You can also find my (very) sporadic vlogs in the footer below, or connect with me on social media if you are so inclined. Again - I’m so glad you’re here. xo